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السبت، 12 فبراير 2011

What's In YOUR Glass of Water?

If you’re like most people, you probably take your drinking water for granted. You crack open a bottle or turn on the filter on your tap and pour yourself a nice tall glass of cool, sparkling water.
Did you know that the cleanest-looking water isn’t necessarily the healthiest? Sometimes the greatest dangers with drinking water can’t be seen, tasted, or even smelled.
Impurities in your drinking water can come from a number of sources.
There are many different toxic synthetic chemicals used in society today. And, unfortunately, the list grows longer every year.
To make matters worse, even some naturally occurring substances can be harmful when they end up in your drinking water.                                                                                              
Then there’s the question of water treatment and the myriad contaminants that can result from the process of disinfection. Finally, distribution systems and pipes create hazards all on their own.
To be sure, your drinking water is subject to many, many potential points of contamination. And honestly, these potential hazards can vary from water source to water source…

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